Compare CashFootprint Point-of-Sale Editions
PC Requirements
- Windows 7 or newer
- .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
- Processor: 1.0 GHz min, 2.0 GHz or faster recommended
- Memory: 512 MB min, 1 GB or more recommended
- Hard Disk: roughly 1 GB, but depends on server/database features installed
- Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 or a later version
CashFootprint Standard and Professional
CashFootprint Professional only
Free phone, email and remote assistance
Free downloadable updates!
Link CashFootprint to your Twitter account and send Tweets to inform customers of specials and events. Note: Link your Twitter account to your Facebook page for maximum exposure.
Written using newest technology (VB.NET 2010 and SQL Server Express 2008 R2)
Connect multiple terminals to allow faster customer service, backend data entry, reporting, etc (one purchase per terminal/PC required).
Secure login with password hints for all users
Auto-lock software after (5,10,15,20,30,45,60) minutes.
Full feature accessability from the POS screen
Multiple Sales Tax capable with store and Item level default settings
Multiple Sales Tax capable with store, customer and item level default settings
Price decimal place setting (default: 2)
Quantity decimal place setting (default: 0)
New employee permission defaults
Toolbar display option ('Image And Text' or 'Image Only')
Export end-of-day reports to PDF. Set the export location to a Dropbox or Google Drive folder for online access to reports.
Send end-of-day reports to the store email address via integrated email support
Quick sell buttons for fast access to frequently used or categorized items. Perfect restaurants and places where barcode scanning is not preferred.
Email support for sending customer receipts
Stock level alerts let the user know when specific items are getting low (based on reorder point)
Price savings displayed on POS receipt (optional)
Touch-screen ready (ie: Full on-screen keyboard or number pad available on all POS related screens)
Transaction History/Lookup by Transaction, Date range, and Customer
Process Sale, Credit, Refund, or Void (includes previous transactions)
Put a transaction on hold. Great for work orders!
Assign transaction status (Open, Packing, Shipped, Complete, etc) and source (Walk-in, online, phone, email, etc). Fully customizable to fit your store.
Add/Modify Items on the fly
Add/Modify Customers on the fly
Apply Item or Transaction level discounts by % or fixed dollar amount
Apply Item or Transaction level notes. (appear on receipt. Possible use: serial numbers)
Standard Quick split tender options include Cash, Check, Credit, Trade-In, Donations and EBT (external device for processing required)
Professional Quick split tender options include Gift Cards, Loyalty Points, Store Credit, Accounts Receivable
Item Search by Item number/Group Code, description, or attributes (ex: department, category, consignor)
Customer Search by Number, Name, Company, Address, phone, email
Single-click access to POS list items for fast Quantity, Price or Description editing
Paged search results for faster access
Cash drawer reconciliation for quick drawer tally
Cash drawer adjustments (add, remove cash or cash check)
Store close session history by date range with report re-print option
Manager override for users with inadequate permissions
Integrated gift card support. No need for an external processor. All card numbers and balance information are stored within CashFootprint. Supports creating, deleting and deactivating cards
Assign transaction sales person to track commission.
Inventory Import from Excel, Text, or CSV
Physical Inventory Update for mass quantity on hand at year end.
Barcode label printing to laser or inklet printers using address sheet labels. Start anywhere on the page. Zebra and Dymo printers work with a subtle workaround.
Quick item filter
Bundles/Kits and Linked items. Each item in the bundle can have a specific price! Linked items are sold at their regular price when the main item is sold.
Discount manager for creating sales for items or groups of items. Use begin and end dates so you don
Gift Card item type allows easy setup for gift cards of ranging values or preset values. Why should you have to enter a price every time? Just scan, swipe, or enter the card number and sell it!
Receiving with vendor assignment
Save As feature to allow for quickly adding sized or similar items
Global price adjustment by attribute (department, category, etc)
Searchable Item Group Code to link like items together. Used to display multiple items to choose from at POS and Receiving
OnHand quantity tracking w/ available stock alerts
Reorder level settings (Reorder point and Max In Stock values)
Option to show item on reorder report
Case SKU and Quantity for bulk receivings
Promotional periods for extended pricing
Assign up to 10 different configurable item attributes (department, category, consignor, etc)
Average cost based on actual item receivings
Option to define EBT qualified items
Supports random weight barcodes (ex: deli, candy, nuts, etc.)
Require customer when item is sold
Quick setup for item variations (size, color, etc)
Customer Import from Excel, Text, or CSV
Customer #, Address, Shipping Address, Contact information
POS Notes for clerk to see at the time of sale as well as general Notes
Customer level tax rate
Membership start date and end date
Store credit balance
Loyalty discount by %
Integrated loyalty program. Allow customers to earn points which can be redeemed at a later date. Redemption can be in the form of a percentage or fixed amount off the sale price.
Quick view customer grid
Customer History lookup by Transaction ID or Date Range
Customer Attachments for critical documents that need to be retained (gun shops, waivers, etc)
Customer list support to group customers together for emailing and reporting
Integrated email support for emailing your customers specials, updates and event notifications.
Accounts receivable for tracking account balances, payments and adjustments as well as sending statements.
Time management with clock in/out, time editing capability and reporting.
Name, Phone
Secure Login w/ password hint
Configurable employee permissions to control feature access. (ex: employee information, voids, refunds, system options, etc)
Username listed on POS receipt
Commission percent caluculated on gross sale or net profit.
Customer & Accounts Receivable Reports
Employee Reports
Employee Activity Report so you can perform audits on productivity.
Time Clock Reports
Inventory Reports
Inventory Zero On Hand Reports
Inventory Reorder Reports
Inventory Receiving Report Reprint
Cash Drawer Adjustment Reports
Payment Reports
Sales Reports
Sales Tax Report to show taxes collected
Profit Report to show sales, costs, margins and tax collected
Gift Card Account Reports
Void Reports
X-Out and Z-Out Closing Reports
Session History reports to reprint end-of-day reports.
Receipt Printer: POSX, Epson, Star Micronics, Citizen, Ithaca, POS58 and more with an available OPOS driver.
Printer driven cash drawer for the above printer list or standalone via OPOS or USB cash drawer adapter from POS-X
Keyboard emulated barcode scanners
Keyboard emulated magnetic credit card reader
Customer Pole Display w/ Custom wait message (Supported command sets: EPSON, LD220, UTC Standard, UTC Enhanced, AEDEX, ADM788, DSP800, CD5220, EMAX, LOGIC)