Activate My Software

In an effort to ensure you are happy with your new software, we do not send the activation code with the product.  Once activated, the software cannot be returned.  Click the Evaluate button on the activation screen of the software, to access the software until activated.

Submit Your Request

Enter the information EXACTLY as you want it to appear on your reports and/or customer receipts.  The activation code you will be sent is case and punctuation sensitive.

Please enter the following information.


Identify your purchase

NOTE: Please enter the correct order number, if you have it. If you don't have it, that's ok, we'll manually cross reference your other information to find your purchase.

Amazon Order ID (ex: 123-1234567-1234567) or
Paypal Transaction# (ex: 1X900427L9234151K)


Enter your business information

Hey CashFootprint users, this will be your receipt header.


Where would you like the code sent?

Favorite website: